Today is the last day of 2017. The last of 365 days full of excitement, happiness, surprises, but also tears and disappointment. Time to look back and re-think the Highlights of the year.
What was good? What was bad? Did I accomplish anything and do I have some thoughts I want to take into the new year?!
Hiking and other sports

Pretty sure there are three big accomplishments in 2017 when it comes to hiking and other sports:
On the 1st of January I started the 52 Hike Challenge, which I completed on the 18th of November. During this Challenge I hiked 52 times with a total distance of 609,18km! But I hiked even more and by today I am looking back to a year of 56 hikes with a total distance of 644,64km.
Additionally I started to do running and trailrunning and I ran my first 10km race in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc. When I had an accident in 2001 and broke my ankle my doctors told me that running would not be the right sports for me, but I was able to prove them wrong and gain enough muscles to stabilize my ankle and do the sports I want to do!
And of course, don't miss the latest news: I started to ski! See some of the first impressions of my (very young) skiing career on my Instagram-Account. I think I will post a little diary about how I learned skiing as adult. Stay tuned for this!
Personal development
When in 2016 we moved to Switzerland, I was hardly able to speak French and altough it might not sound super special, today I am able to communicate in the language of my canton and even follow (and lead) more difficult conversations. For me, this is a big development, because I really felt not speaking the language properly made it difficult to work, make friends and feel really happy in my new home.
But I have also made some big steps in other parts of my life: I became self-employed in Switzerland (much more difficult than you might think...), started to work for several different companies and today I am (nearly) financial independent again (which I was not, when we moved). To me being independent is an important thing - not because I think my relationship is not stable, but because I think it's good for my self-esteem and my self-confidence.
Ioma as my partner-in-crime

We adopted Ioma already in 2016, but during the last year she made really big progress and became a wonderful partner. When on her first hike in 2016 it was still incredibly difficult she is now able to run freely and comes back in (nearly) every case.
She also got much more healthy and lost her fear of a lot of "dangerous" things like: bikes, cars, being on the train etc. Although we still have a lot work to do, I personally can see her progress and I know she always tries her best to please me. I wouldn't want to miss her!
What 2018 could bring...
I am usually not the kind of person to take New Years Resolutions, but somehow I feel I want to do it this time. Therefore I want to take the following resolutions and if you want: keep track with me on the blog. (They are all sports related by the way ;D )
1. Hiking - I would love to hike 800km next year. I don't want to set it up for a specific challenge or to a specific number of hikes. I just want to do it. #800km1year
2. Running - since I already signed up for my first half marathon in May this somehow already sounds like a good New Years Resolution, but I want to add something: I want to run 500km in 2018. (Now that I am writing it down, I'm becoming a bit afraid ;D ) #500km1year
3. Skiing - I want to improve my skiing skills to the point that I am either able to do a skitour by the end of 2018 OR I feel super confident going down more difficult slopes. (I am not able to decide right now, just because I am not sure on which one I want to focus.) #learningtoski
4. Other sports - I'd like to add another sports to my "sports portfolio" and I chose for rock climbing. There is a new climbing hall close to my place and I'd like to try it and gain some first experience. #climbingnewbie
What is your resolution for 2018? I'm curious to hear!
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