When I got to Chamonix on Saturday it was still a little bit cloudy, but it cleared during the day.
I was signed up for the 10km-Trail-Run during the Chamonix Mont Blanc-Marathon. This competition was something I was really looking forward to, as I never did a trailrunning competition before.
Additionally, 10km would be the longest distance since quite a while therefore I was really excited las weekend. I deicded to sleep at home and get up really early on Saturday, so I would still have enough time to get to Chamonix, find a (free) parking and have breakfast before picking up my bib and heading to the start.
After a wonderful breakfast (I told you about Bucks Coffee Shop in my last post!) I made my way to the Marathon Village to pick up my bib and my running shirt. Receiving the bib always make a running competition even more real for me. And for some reason, I am always proud when holding this little paper in my hands - even if I haven't started running, yet!

The start and finish line for this run was very close the center of Chamonix, on the big area where the paragliders are landing. On a normal day this field is mostly visited by everyone who is seeking anice spot to have a picnic and of course by everyone landing with his parachute.
On Saturday the atmosphere was really different: runners of all ages were walking around, warming up andd getting ready for their run - and so was I!
Half an hour before the start, all runners were called to get to the start. I had set myself in the group of starters for 50-70 minutes and my plan was to finish in 70 minutes or less, that's why I was situated in the third group of starters. When at one o'clock the competition began, I was really surprised when I realized there wasn't actually one starting time for all of us, but a different time for every group. I didn't really understand why, but as soon as I was on the track I got it: some parts of the track are very narrow and steep. Usually I am pretty good in uphill trails, but I had to go a lot slower than planned. A big amount of the runners was walking up the hill instead of running and there were only little chances to take over.
I assume if all runners had started together, there would have been even a bigger traffic jam on some parts of the trail, so I was finally happy with the decision made by the management.

After 10 minutes in the race I was finally warm enough to speed up a little more. It really took me the first few minutes to get along with the temperatures of around 30° Celsius.
I had trained for this run, but in the heat of the day it was a bit of a harder challenge than I expected. Anyway I tried to keep up my pace until the first approach.
Unfortunately I had to face three unpleasant moments during the run.
1. I was so dumb to step into nettles at round about kilometre two ... Not funny...
2. I hurt my ankle at kilometer five, when stepping on a stones edge. My right ankle is always very sensitive and when it bend, it really hurt for a while.
3. In the downhill part around kilometre 6 or 7 a girl stumbled in front of me and fell. Running is a competition, but anyway, we need to help each other to get to the finish line, therefore of course me and some others stopped by to help her.

I think running is not only about yourself. Even in a running competition you sometimes need others help and I really hope that, if I stumble, someone will get me up as well!
When I saw the finish line in Chamonix I felt so happy and strong. When I got into the last kilometre I thought I would not make it. I was sweating and felt hot and thirsty. But there is something that always gives me more power when I see the finish line - and while hiking when I see the cabin or the mountain top.

I crossed the finish line at 1 hour, 15 minutes and 3 seconds. I had planned to finish earlier - but in the end, it didn't really matter.
I just can't wait for the next competition. Maybe we'll see each other there?
See you soon,
P.S. I was sharing this day on the Instagram-Account of bergsport360.de - maybe you go and check out their blog?!
In the next few days I am going to review the gear I used for my run, because a lot of people ask for my pants :D
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