Ioma is a rescue dog and Tom is a rescue cat. They both moved in after they spent some time in a shelter, they were already fully grown and they both have their flaws and little problems. But I love them either way and today I want to give a big shout-out to every single person who gives home to a little friend from a shelter!
Why a pet from the shelter?

Easy answer: WHY NOT?
Shelters are full of future-friends in need. They will give you unconditional love and you will do good - in more than one way!
If you decide on a rescue friend, you automatically relieve the organization that cares for the animal so far. A four-legged friend less in the shelter means the organisation can take care of other animals with more time and money.
Additionally: by adopting an animal from the shelter, you support reputable animal rights activists in their work!
How Ioma and Tom came to me

Tom (actually his official name is Tommy) came to me in 2013 when he was already 9 or 10 years old. Our former cat Sheela (rescue girl, of course) had died a couple of weeks before and we took all our cat's equipment to leave it at a shelter, because we didn't directly want a new cat.
Well, everything turned out to be different. We arrived at the shelter and they had just too many cats so we got introduced to Tom. He had alread spent three weeks in a small quarantine box, simply because there was not enough room for all the cats in the shelter. When the door was opened he just came out and jumped into my arms. It was literally love at first sight.
So instead of leaving all our bowls, pillows and toys at the shelter we took everything, packed Tom and went back home. That's actually the whole story.

Iomas Story is a bit different.
She became part of our little family one year ago. After long-lasting discussions...
A couple of years ago I was incredibly afraid of dogs, I couldn't even walk on the same sidewalk. And of course, I could never imagine having a dog.
But over the years I lost my fear and in 2014 when we made a road trip through Europe we came across Romania. I'd love to tell you a heartwarming story of how we found a little puppy, took it with us, raised it and how this puppy became my best friend - but life is not a fairytale.
Yes, Felix and me, we came across a lovely little puppy - Jerry. We adopted him, brought him to the vet, got him a passport and took him with us for quite a few weeks. But we couldn't keep him. He was just too small, he needed a structured life and he badly needed a dog mummy - because he was not even 4 weeks old. We couldn't give any of those to him in 2014. So with breaking hearts we brought him to a shelter and he soon found a friendly family to adopt him and give him the life he needed. Jerry was just not the right dog for us and it was not the right moment, yet.
But in 2016 we found Ioma. We had moved. I had a new job where I can mainly take her with me and I felt like - this is the moment!
I got in contact with a small shelter close to Lucerne and I was shown a picture of Ioma. She literally smiled at the camera and I fell in love - immediately. So a couple of weeks later we travelled to Lucerne to meet her for the first time. And a day later she already moved in. We did a two-weeks-trial period, but I knew from the first moment she came to our home I would never let her go.
For me, adopting grown-up pets from the shelter was just the right decision. I am so happy I decided for those two fur-babys and I would always and always do it again!
If you are looking for a new friend - please go and learn about shelters in your neighborhood and adopt a friend for life!
Kommentar schreiben
Alice (Samstag, 31 März 2018 22:10)
Love hearing these stories